Previously shared on social media, we are pleased to confirm the following arrangements for Holy Week 2021 in Dundee, Edinburgh and Glasgow.
If you know of any other celebrations in the Old Rite, please do contact us so that we can update this post.
As far as we are aware, churches which have a celebration in the Traditional Rite on Sundays will maintain their usual provision on Easter day. See our Latin Mass Map for individual details.
All those who wish to attend must get in touch with Fr Emerson either by telephone or email to reserve a place.
Holy Week ceremonies will take place, all at St Andrews Ravelston, as follows:
Maundy Thursday 7:30 pm, Good Friday 5 pm, the Solemn Easter Vigil 7:30 pm. There will be a noon Mass on Easter Sunday, but no 5 pm Mass.
Sacred Heart of Jesus, Bridgeton– Fr Steven Dunn
Tradition Latin Mass, Holy week & Easter Triduum times.
To attend these services the form below MUST be completed and submitted to reserve a place at the service.
Total places available = 50 per service. Forms may only be completed by immediate family members (up to six max). On entry please give name to door manager. Thank you.
If no internet access, please TEXT the details asked for, to mobile 07901 956129. THIS IS A TEXT number only, never answered; checked once per day for forms submitted.
Service wish to attend. (exact details – see below) :
Separate form for each service
A list will be compiled for each service for door keeper to “book in” each person as they enter Church.
Please e-mail your details to
Palm Sunday: 11am (shortened gospel for Passion) 12.30 (full reading of Passion)
Holy Thursday: Mass of the Last Supper 7.30pm
Easter: Vigil Mass, Sat 9pm, Sunday 11am & 12.30.
Confessions Holy Week: (no form required)
Mon: 6-7pm. Tues: 12noon–1pm. Wed: 6-7pm
Immaculate Heart, Balornock
Easter Triduum times are as follows:
Maundy Thursday
5.00 pm Latin (Sung)
7.30 pm Latin
Good Friday
3.00 pm Latin (Sung)
6.30 pm Latin
Holy Saturday (Vigil)
12 Noon Latin (Sung)
7.00 pm Latin
Easter Sunday
10.30 am Latin
11.30 am Latin
12.30 pm Latin (Sung)
6.00 pm Latin