This Sunday we move into one of the shortest liturgical seasons. In the traditional Roman Rite, the season of Septuagesima prepares us for the penitential season of Lent.

At Mass, you can expect to see violet vestments and the absence of the Gloria and Alleluia yet the presence of flowers and relics and the use of the organ are still permitted until Ash Wednesday.

Vespers on the eve of Septuagesima Sunday ends with the solemn alleluia after Benedicamus Domino. This will be the last alleluia until the solemn Easter alleluia of the Easter Vigil. If you are unfamiliar with the tradition of burying the alleluia on the eve of Septuagesima, click here for more!

For a deeper explanation of  Septuagesimatide, read Dom Prosper Gueranger’s ‘Liturgical Year’s here.

Have you participated in the Synodal process yet? Everyone’s contribution is essential to ensure that the good fruits of the TLM are known to our bishops. UVS will be making official contributions so please do your bit by following this link.