7/12/2016 PRAYER REQUEST Cameron, one of our members, has asked for prayers for a family intention.

6/12/2016 REMINDER Saturday, 10th, December at 12 noon, St Robert Bellarmine 310 Peat Rd, Glasgow, G53 6SA, High Mass.

3/12/2016 We thank Fraser Pearce for making this available on YouTube  A video of the Introit and Kyrie from this mornings Mass is available here https://youtu.be/HAld_0Vgnms More on the way but they take a long time to upload. Fraser


Details of this event have been sent to us by Jo Dillon

Dear All,

I thought some of you might be interested in a Preached Retreat that will be taking place at the St. Ninian’s Institute, Dundee, on Saturday 10th – Sunday 11th December. The retreat will be given by Fr. Guiseppe Cardamone from the Missionary Servants of the Poor of the Third World and will be centred on the Sacramental Life of the Christian. As you can see from the schedule below there will be spiritual talks and opportunities for adoration and confession as well as Mass in the Extraordinary Form.  There will also be a two course lunch on both days and the whole retreat will cost you no more than £30 – cheap at the price!

I hope one or two of you can make it.

God Bless


“The true renewal of the Church is to ask What is a Christian? And not What does the world want?

This statement from Joseph Ratzinger will guide our meditation about the sacramental identity of the Christian, which finds its source in Holy Baptism, its nourishment in the Holy Eucharist and its expression in the apostolic action of the children of the Church.

Sacramental identity describes what is most opposed to Protestantism. To recover and put into practice that essential aspect of our redeemed identity is imperative to being able to brush away that pollution of modernism that made insightful theologians speak about a protestantised Church in the aftermath of the Second Vatican Council.


08:00 Holy Rosary

08:30 Holy Mass (Low Mass)

09:30 First Talk – Protestantism and sacramentality

11:30 Second Talk – The reality of the Incarnation

13:00 Lunch


15:00 Divine Mercy Chaplet

15:15  Third Talk – The key role of obedience

17:00 Fourth Talk – The Sacramentalisation of Christian life: Baptism.

time for confessions

19:00 End of the day


09:00 Holy Rosary

09:30 First talk – The Christian priesthood: worshippers in spirit and truth.

11:00 Second talk – The dynamism of the Sacraments: Christian apostolate

12:00 DVD about MSPTW

13:00 Lunch


15:00 Divine mercy chaplet

15:30 preparation for Holy Mass

16:00 Holy Mass (Missa cantata) followed by Benediction

17:30 End of the retreat


30/11/2016 This kind message has been received:

In behalf of Una Voce Taiwan, we wish you a blessed St. Andrew’s Day!

+Communitas Missae Latinae in Taiwan (Una Voce Taiwan)

Other News:

There are two extra Masses:-

1) Saturday, 3rd December at 12 noon, Saint Thomas the Apostle 826 Cumbernauld Road Glasgow G33 2EE

The celebrant will be Fr. Stephen Dunn and it will be the tenth anniversary of the death of his late mother.

2) Saturday, 10th, December at 12 noon, St Robert Bellarmine 310 Peat Rd, Glasgow, G53 6SA, High Mass.


Fr. Ninian Doohan will attend Fr. Liam O’Connor’s Mass in St. Mary’s, Cleland on Thursday, 1st December at 7.00pm and will impart First Blessings after Mass.






This is an evening of Music, Song and Reflection and an opportunity to support the migrant children of the Holy Land. There is no cost for entry, but ALL DONATIONS will be sent to The Latin Vicariate in Jerusalem for the migrant children of The Holy Land. 7.00 pm​ The Children of The Holy Land – Introduction by Bart McGettrick 7.15 pm​ Songs of Advent by the children of St Fillan’s School Choir ​8.00 pm​ Message from Palestine and Jerusalem – Fr David Neuhaus SJ (Latin Vicariate, Jerusalem) 8.30 pm​ Christmas Refreshments and Raffle

9.00 pm​ Scottish/Irish Music – Led by Frank O’Hagan


Contact Clare Coyle 07876526250



An LMS diocesan rep, who is only 21, is writing a letter to Pope Francis to tell him that he is wrong in his comments about young people.

Perhaps a torrent of letters from young people around the world to the Pope might at least make him think.

Would the young people of  Una Voce Scotland consider writing a simple letter?

Addresses are :

His Holiness Pope Francis,

Casa Pontificia,

Palazzo Apostolico,

00120 Vatican City.

His Excellency Pietro Cardinal Parolin,

Secretary of State,

Palazzo Apostolico,

00120 Vatican City.

In case anyone wishes to be absolutely sure that their letters are received and read a copy can be sent to the President of the Ecclesia Dei Commission, Cardinal Mueller.

His Eminence Gerhard Cardinal Mueller,

President, Pontifical Commission Ecclesia Dei,

Palazzo della Congr. per la Dottrina della Fede,

Piazza del S’Uffizio, 11,

00193 Roma,




Last Saturday The Immaculate Heart of Mary hosted Una Voce Scotland’s  annual Requiem Mass for deceased members and benefactors followed by the AGM. Sancta Familia media filmed events and their video can be viewed here:





This Report is being written in the cafeteria of the Pilgerheim at Wigratzbad, Bavaria, the windows of which look over to the Priesterseminar Sankt Petrus, the seminary of The Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter. This is my third visit to the seminary this year, the first being in January and the second being in June and July for the ordination of Fr. James Mawdsley  FSSP. Earlier in the week, I met two English speaking seminarians and had a very pleasant afternoon here in the same Pilgerheim. I record these events, not as some latter day Alistair Cooke’s ”  Letter From America”, but to demonstrate to members of Una Voce Scotland the good working relations and close links which our society has forged with The Fraternity of St. Peter, its clergy in both Scotland and England, and the Seminary of St. Peter, both its clergy and students. We also play a full part in the work of The International Federation of Una Voce. Evidence for all this will follow in the course of this Report. It is earnestly to be hoped that this close working relationship might be  expanded by an increased presence of the Fraternity here in Scotland to augment the good work already begun in Edinburgh by Fr. Emerson. I think that we should be hopeful that, if it be the Divine Plan to provide so many vocations within the Traditional Movement, which it so clearly is since the traditional seminaries are so overwhelmed with applicants, then the extension of that Plan will be the provision of churches and missions where  these newly ordained priests can exercise their ministry. Let us hope that the Scottish bishops respond to this Plan positively and that they see the value in these vocations and ordinations. As has already been discovered in England by Bishops Egan and Davies, Archbishop Mc Mahon of Liverpool and the Bishops of both Lancaster and Middlesbrough, where priests of the traditional orders and traditional leaning orders like the Oratorians, are given parishes, these parishes, (particularly parishes where the Catholic population has declined because of population movements from the inner cities), become revived and flourish. The presence of these priests does not cause division and confusion, but rather brings about growth and enrichment.

As for events within Scotland, much has happened since our last Newsletter- and quite a lot of these events are Firsts!

In June, Bishop Robson of Dunkeld, conducted a wedding with a Nuptial Mass in the Old Rite in his Cathedral in Dundee. I think this must be the first time since 1970 that a Scottish bishop has conducted such an event in his cathedral or, indeed, anywhere! The singing was provided by an organist and quartet who sang Palestrina, Arcadelt and chant. The quality of the music was very high as was the quality of the performance of said music! The bishop wore vestments which are part of the High Mass set of vestments given by Una Voce Scotland to Fr. Ninian Doohan of Dunkeld Diocese. The bishop was both very pleased and very admiring of them and was very gracious in his thanks for them! Martin Gardner, who does so much for the Traditional Movement in North East Scotland, was M.C. for the Mass and Fr. Ninian Doohan was M.C. at the throne. The servers were the usual servers at the regular Dundee Masses.

There have been four First Masses in the Traditional Rite in Scotland to report, two in Glasgow, one in Dundee and one in Edinburgh. This is indeed good news! The Masses in Glasgow were celebrated by Fr. James Mawdsley FSSP and Fr. Ninian Doohan of the Diocese of Dunkeld,  the Mass in Dundee was also celebrated by Fr. Doohan and  the Mass in Edinburgh was celebrated by Fr. James Mawdsley FSSP,  The sacred ministers at both Glasgow Masses were Fr. Emerson FSSP, deacon and Fr. Morris P.P., subdeacon. In Dundee, the deacon was a priest of The Sons Of The Most Holy Redeemer, Papa Stronsay and Fr. Morris, subdeacon. The music in Glasgow, at both Masses, was provided by a schola led by the new Director of Music at Immaculate Heart of Mary parish, where the Masses  took place, Fraser Pearce. The music for both Masses was Palestrina  Missa “Aeterna Christi Munera”, and “Sicut Cervus”, Byrd “Ave Verum”, and the chants of the proper “Salve Sancta Parens” of Our Lady on a Saturday. The Te Deum was sung during the administration of the First Blessings after Mass. The vestments used were the beautiful and magnificent cloth-of-gold High Mass set of vestments presented to Fr. Morris by Una Voce Scotland.

We are extremely grateful to Mr. Divers, Master of Music at St. Aloysius Church ,the JesuitChurch in Glasgow. He very gladly, loaned us  the music which was used. Also, members of his choir were, along with the magnificent contribution of other very gifted musicians, the biggest bloc in the schola . I might add that no-one has done more than Mr. Divers to preserve the use of traditional, high quality church music in Glasgow by ploughing a very lone liturgical furrow and despite much criticism from antagonistic figures. If it had not been for his brave stance in sustaining the use of magnificent, traditional Catholic music, we would have been unable to carry out these beautiful liturgies! Thank you Mr Divers!

After both Glasgow Masses, there was a lunch and, in the case of Fr. Mawdsley’s Mass, there were presentations from both the parish and Una Voce. Una Voce Scotland presented Fr Mawdsley with the appropriate Liturgical book as he was ordained to each of the Major Orders as I pointed out in my speech. The only liturgical book with which we had not presented him was a Requiem Mass altar missal and so that was the subject of our presentation on that day. I also repeated my ominous offer to give Father a Bishop’s Canon, at which he seemed to go pale! There was also a presentation to Fr Ninian Doohan from the Parish after his First Mass.

In the last edition of Mass of Ages, the quarterly magazine of our sister organisation, The Latin Mass Society, the President of The International Federation, Una Voce, Felipe Alanis Suarez from Mexico, is quoted on Page 42 saying that, after many decades, Una Voce, ” brought the Tridentine Mass to Taiwan” News of this development had been carried in the Spring Newsletter of the Federation where it was reported that a group from Taiwan had been accepted as members of the Federation. The Officers of Una Voce Scotland thought that these new members could have suffered much over these decades of waiting for the return of the Traditional Mass, and so we contacted the group. Their correspondent replied to the mail which we sent, offering any help which they might need , that all they had was a hand missal which their priest used at the altar and nothing else! . Members of Una Voce Scotland can justifiably be  proud that, from our stock of artefacts, we were able to send a box containing a beautiful leather bound altar missal with the Jesuit Supplement, a Requiem Mass altar missal, a Holy Week altar missal, a Ritus Servandus for use at Benediction, containing the litanies etc., a Ritual ( the book of blessings), a set of vestments which could be used whenever white or green vestments might be  required and the laminated text of the altar cards. The altar missal is dated 1954, which means that it has the correct post-1950 Mass for the Feast of The Assumption but not the post-1956 Holy Week liturgy, so , through the sending of the Holy Week altar missal, we covered them for all eventualities! These items were sent to the priest who celebrates the Old Rite. This is the latest example of how Una Voce Scotland plays a full part in the work of The International Traditional Movement.

In the past, we have sent items to groups throughout the world ( for example, the seminary in Wigratzbad, and vestments and an altar missal to the group in Barcelona who suffered a fire in their sacristy only a few weeks before Christmas) and to many individual priests to whom we have given liturgical books and vestments. By way of a final word regarding Una Voce Scotland’s donations to friends in the Traditional Movement, mention should be made of a gift  relating to our collaboration with Fr. Morris and the parish of The Immaculate Heart of Mary. We have given a beautiful set of altar cards for use in his traditional Masses in the parish. These cards were originally made for a major cathedral in England and  can be seen on the parish website( along with pictures and DVDs of the First Masses held in the parish). I do not know how Miss Mary Neilson acquired these.

To deal with some in- house administration matters, let us first express thanks to Cathal Brennan for developing the Una Voce Website. Secondly, Fraser and Jane Pearce have recently taken over the responsibility for providing the music at Immaculate heart of Mary Parish and they were instrumental in the providing music for our liturgies in the parish. They have also developed the parish website which can be found on the Una Voce Scotland website. You can also see Fr Doohan’s First Mass in Dundee on  the Diocesan Website. We also hope to develop our communication with members. Next year, we hope to move from two Newsletters per year to three and eventually to four per year. We also intend to send out a bulletin by email to members who have opted to have email communication. This will enable us to give up- to- date notifications, other items of information and information regarding material which should appear in the following Newsletter. The advantage in the use of emails is that it lets us communicate with members at no cost to Una Voce.


First of all, could we ask any members yet to renew their subscription to do so as soon as possible, membership dues are as follows:-

Ordinary Member £25

Joint Members (husband and wife) £35

Student Retired Unemployed £10

Newsletter Only £10

Also, would members please consider Una Voce Scotland in making their will? Our sister organisation, The Latin Mass Society, finds this to be a valuable source of revenue and, as we have discovered this year, so has Una Voce Scotland

We have a member who is a seminarian with The Institute of Christ the King in Florence. The Institute currently has two apostolates in England. We would like to support him in his studies. Una Voce will make a donation to help with his fees. Would individual members please support this cause. Please send cheques to:-

Frederick Stone

118, Birkhall Av.,

Glasgow G52 2PS

Please make cheques out to Una Voce Scotland but make it clear by writing Seminarian on the back of the envelope what the purpose of the cheque is and the money will be ring fenced for the Seminarian Fund.


Fr. Mann SJC has begun a regular Sunday Mass at Smithstone House, Kilwinning in the Diocese of Galloway. This Mass takes place at 12 noon. The postcode is KA13 6PL.

Fr. Liam O’Connor has begun to celebrate a Mass in St. Mary’s, Cleland in the Diocese of Motherwell. This is at the request of Bishop Toal and takes place every Thursday at 7.00pm.The postcode is ML1 5QR.

Fr. Morris now says Mass every Sunday at The Immaculate Heart of Mary at 6.00pm. This is in addition to his weekday Masses.  On Saturday, the Traditional Mass is said at 9.30am and on the First Saturday, it is a Sung Mass. The postcode is G21 3UE.

Scotland’s inaugural Two Shrines Pilgrimage took place this year from August 6-8: Details can be found at http://www.newliturgicalmovement.org/2016/08/a-new-annual-pilgrimage-inaugurated-in.html#more


As was reported in the last Newsletter, The AGM will take place on Saturday, 12th November in the parish hall of The Immaculate Heart of Mary, Glasgow. The programme of the day will be:-

Sung Requiem Mass at 12noon for deceased members, friends and benefactors of Una Voce Scotland and their families.

Lunch in the Hall followed by the AGM.

Guests will be welcome at the discretion of the Chairmen.

An Appeal

We would appeal to members and friends of Una Voce Scotland to support the work of Musica Sacra. This group is hosting a Chant Weekend, the programme of which has already been sent out to our email list. This group provide the singing for the monthly Misa Cantata in Dundee and provided the music for Fr. Ninian Doohan’s First Mass in the Old Rite in Dundee.


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