Guides to the Sacraments under lockdown

The Latin Mass Society has published these short but comprehensive guides to the Sacraments of Holy Communion, Penance, and Baptism, while getting access to priests is restricted or impossible, in light of the Extraordinary Form and the Traditional Practice and Discipline of the Church.

What is a perfect act of contrition? What value has watching a live-streamed Mass? When would it be justified to baptise infants in the absence of a priest? Is it possible to gain indulgences if one can’t go to Communion? What is the ceremony of ‘supplying the ceremonies’ after an emergency bapism?

Your questions are answered.


NB. For those who arrange to receive Holy Communion outside of Mass, our resources may help.

1 Comment

UVS Prayer Intentions for May - Una Voce Scotland · May 1, 2020 at 10:38 am

[…] growth of the TLM community in Dundee. Although community life in general has been impacted by the stay at home measures to combat the pandemic, we are pleased to share that Fr Ninian (of Dundee) has been posting links […]

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